Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Day 1, again..... 226.5

Go to the bathroom. Remove my clothes. Zero out the scale. Step on it and pray for a miracle.
That's how I start out my morning pretty much every day and at 37 years old, I'm finding it a tiring and frustrating reality. I lead an active life, having 2 teenagers and a toddler at home, but get in no exercise. My pantry and fridge are filled with healthy foods but I choose to forgo them and make a quick trip to the fast food chain down the street. For heaven's sake, I even am part of a weight loss study drug program (I have the placebo, I'm sure!!!) and have a diet and exercise counselor!
I seem to live my life under the misguided conception that there's something magical out there that I just haven't figured out - something that'll make this weight loss journey easier.
Thing is, I know better. I don't even try the fads and am a faithful *mental* follower of the basic rule that to lose weight and get healthy, it's about the foods I eat and the exercise I accomplish. I know what to do.

But here I am: 226.5
The biggest positive I can offer myself right now is at least I am not ready to give up.
Here are a few "before" pictures from 2006 but since time is of essence this morning, I'll update more later.
So, here we go. Day 1 again..................


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